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Are you gay, lesbian, bi, or unsure, or do you know someone who is? PCS' "Gay Support" section helps you find resources to deal with your feelings and the feelings of those around you, answer questions about being bi or gay and whether it's possible to "turn straight," and locate people to talk to when you need someone who understands.
Home Page and Special Features
What's There to Do in Dallas?
It's a "Gay" Thing
Gay & Lesbian News and Life
Plain Brown Wrapper
More Cute Guy Pix
Gay Support

The Rest of this Mess
I Think the TV's Talkin' to Me!
Write Me!
National Support
Gay father
COLAGE - Web site for Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere, with info for kids with gay or bi parents.
Out of closet
Coming Out Resources - The Human Rights Campaign's Resource Guides deal with issues like coming out as bisexual, coming out as transgender, coming out as an African-American, how straights can help support gays, resources for gay Latinos, why ex-gay ministries fail, and Spanish-language guides for coming out.
Family Acceptance - Site for your parents to look at, when you tell them you're gay. It shows how one family dealt with a child coming-out, the mistakes they made, and what they've learned.
Gay mother
Family Equality Council - Web site for Family Equality, with information for gay parents. Check out events in your area, read articles, shop for books, and see news important to you.
Upset boy
MaleSurvivor - Source of information and support for males who were sexually molested as children.
Rainbow Cross
MCC - Started in 1968 by the Reverend Troy Perry, the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches is a nondenominational organization with 300 gay-accepting churches worldwide. Find one near you or read about how being gay doesn't mean you can't be a Christian, too.
Gay spouse OurPath - Formerly known as the Straight Spouse Network, this site provides support for heterosexuals dealing with the revelation that their mate is gay or lesbian and support for partners of trans people. They have local support groups you can join, links, suggested readings, and an e-mail list you can be a part of.
Gay child
PFLAG - Web site for Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians And Gays, with information on local chapters for parents with gay kids.
Altar boy
SNAP and STTOP - Victims' rights groups to fight the Catholic Church's coddling of priests who molest kids, plus education, self-help, and prevention techniques to make sure the abuse stops. Local support groups are also listed.
National Toll-Free Hotlines for Gay Youth
Cell phone
*LGBT National Hotline - (888) 843-4564 [M-F 4 p.m.-midnight, Sat noon-5 p.m. Eastern Time]
*LGBT National Youth Talkline - (800) 246-7743 [M-F 4 p.m.-midnight, Sat noon-5 p.m. Eastern Time]
*Trevor Project - (866) 488-7386 [24-hour suicide/crisis hotline for gay youth]

Dallas-Area Support for Gay Youth
Teen guy
*Black Out Alliance at UNT
*Cathedral of Hope Youth Group [Dallas] (age 12-18) - (214) 351-1901
*Fuse [Dallas] (males age 18-29) - (214) 540-4435
*Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays - Dallas - (972) 777-3524
*Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays - Fort Worth - (817) 332-7722
*Spectrum Youth (age 13-18) - Sundays 5:30-8:30 pm, Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (1111 Cordell St.)
*Youth First Texas [Dallas] - (214) 879-0400